98: Getting other departments to love the communications team w/ Joshua Breland

by Seth Muse & Meagan Ranson | The Seminary of Hard Knocks Podcast

THE SEMINARY OF HARD KNOCKS PODCAST with Seth Muse and Meagan Ranson
Church Communications | Marketing | Social Media

Helping you find common ground with your people so you can empower them for spiritual growth.

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This week I’m talking to my new friend Joshua Breland. He’s running a pretty great communications department at College Park Church in Indianapolis and great things are happening there. One of the great things is that his team is working really well with the other departments of his church and I asked him to come and spill the tea on how he’s getting that done! Don’t tell my 8th-grade daughter I just said “spill the tea” please.

Show Links

Joshua’s Website
College Park Church website
Book- Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy

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