In Acts 2, we see a church that literally makes the worship service last all week.

“They met every day in the Temple courts” it says in 2:42 and I wonder what our churches would say if we suggested going to church every single day?


“You’ve gone mad!”

“A rather poor idear, good sir!”

Apparently, a lot of our congregations are old-timey and British.

But what if you could make the worship service last all week long? Wouldn’t it be great if we could cut it up into small, digestible parts, and send it out all week long to your people?

If only…

If you deal with social media at your church, you’re always looking for ways to do this, so let’s put a few down on paper. Here are just a few ways that you can make the sermon last all week long.


The YouVersion app has a really great graphic to download for almost every Scripture and they are always updating them. Whatever your passages are for the morning, either grab these graphics or make your own, and post them all through the week. Ask questions when you post like “What does this verse mean?” and “What do you not like about this passage?” Basically, if you ask an I Am Second question, you’ll get pretty great discussion going. (What do we learn about God or Man in this passage? What do you like or not like about this passage? What needs to change in your life because of this passage?)

Quotes help the worship service last all week

Whether you get the notes ahead of time or have to listen to the message with pen and paper (ahem, phone) ready, it’s pretty low-hanging fruit to pull out the quippy things your pastor says on Sunday and turn them into graphics with a picture of a butterfly or something. Reminding people of what was said Sunday helps them put it into practice on Monday.

Video Clips help the worship service last all week

The next level of sermon quotes are video clips. If you record your services, you can clip out a 1 minute clip from the sermon to post to social media. Remember to ask a question when you post video clips so that you’re fostering discussion, not just consumerism. You may also want to invest in captions for your video so your followers can watch it with the sound off. Either create your own .srt file and upload it to Facebook with the video or upload it to YouTube first and create your own.

Pastor + FB Live + Sermon Recap = Magic

Teach your pastor how to go live on Facebook (or Periscope or Instagram, whatever) and let him recap his message from the weekend. Try to hit under 3 minutes if you can and try to aim for doing this on Wednesday. Why Wednesday? Because it subtly reminds your followers that you have midweek activities. The pastor can then do a quick invite to midweeks at the end. Strategy!

Song Lyrics

Take a photo of your worship team during the service that places the subject in either the left or right third of the screen. This leaves room to put text on it later without covering the picture and fighting for contrast. Then take a few lines from one of the songs you sang this week that were really powerful and create a song lyrics graphic. These are usually shared quite well and can alert non-members to your church’s existence. Video clips of the band knocking a song out of the park work for this same thing too.

Your Turn

Those are honestly the easiest ones for anyone to pull off, but others have gotten really creative with making the worship service last all week. What have you done that has connected your people via social media to the previous weekend’s message?

Let us know in the comments!

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